Next steps
Online booking
If same day appointments are available, you will be able to book online with at least 2-hr notice. You will not be able to book online or by phone with less than 2-hr notice prior to the last available session time.
To begin, select your desired service, and our team of therapists or skin specialists will be displayed for your selection. Alternatively, you can choose a specific therapist and then browse through their available services. The system will show you the next available appointment time for your chosen service, and if it's not immediately available, we'll suggest the next convenient date.
Please note that a credit card or gift certificate is required to secure your booking. We require a $25 deposit per service, which will be credited towards your session. If you're using a Gift Certificate that doesn't appear in your account, and you prefer not to use a credit card, please give us a call for assistance. Before confirming your appointment, kindly read through our booking policy and check the box to proceed with the booking.
Following your booking, you'll receive a confirmation email or text message based on your provided contact information. If you don't receive this confirmation and have checked your junk mail folder, it's likely that your booking wasn't successful due to a technical error. Sometimes, this occurs when you're inviting a family member to join your account. Please note that invitations only allow them to join your account for booking purposes and don't generate a booking reservation. Reservations are made under the logged-in profile only.
You're welcome to book appointments for others; simply provide their details in the notes section during the booking process. We accommodate such requests regularly and appreciate your cooperation!